The Blackburn Outpost Handlebar Roll & Dry Bag is a great choice for overnight bike rides or long commutes. The bag features a waterproof stuff bag that can easily carry clothing, tents, sleeping bags and much more on your handlebars. If the weather doesn't cooperate and you get rained on the included welded stuff bag will keep your critical gear dry and protected. The pack is also expandable in case you need more space for last minute gear.
Blackburn designed the Outpost Handlebar Roll & Dry Bag to fit to almost any bike. The bag includes adjustable mounting systems allowing the bag to fit securely no matter your handlebar orientation. Thanks to a quick release mount design the bag installs quickly and securely while releasing easily when you need to remove your gear. The bag features daisy chain loop webbing allowing lights and other gear to mount to the front for added protection. The Outpost Handlebar Roll has an 8 lb/3.5 kg capacity and a volume of 11.5 liters. The bag weighs 1.14 lbs.