Variable speed circulators are one of the best ways to improve circulation, and system, efficiency. By scaling the rate of temperature mixing to the specific conditions in your system, variable speed circulators help to prevent short-cycling and overheating of small zones. They can maintain setpoint temperatures or pressure differentials in your system and easily integrates easily into many building management systems. The universal flange-to-flange dimension of Taco's "00" series circulators makes installation quick, even if you are replacing a different pump. With Taco, your hydronic circulation is in good hands.
- Variable Voltage Operation - 00-VV circulators are among the most versatile variable speed circulators. Because they accept simple analog voltage inputs, it is easy to incorporate a variable voltage circulator into any system.
- Standard High Capacity Output Compact Design
- Quiet, Efficient Operation
- Unique Replaceable Cartridge Design-Field Serviceable
- Direct Drive-Low Power Consumption
- Self-Lubricating
- No Mechanical Seal
- Unmatched Reliability --Maintenance Free
- Universal Flange-to-Flange Dimensions
- Cast Iron Construction
Typical Applications:
- Hydronic Heating
- Radiant Heating
- Hydro-Air Fan Coils
- Indirect Water Heating
- Chilled Water Cooling