what it is: 10-minute professional-quality 100% organic ingredient perfecting mask for men and women.
what it does: mask leaves skin noticeably radiant and glowing. It works with the body's natural moisturizing collagen to provide gentle resurfacing exfoliation and helps to leave skin smoother, brighter, and softer. While providing tighter skin texture and tighter pores, it provides a more youthful appearance and absorbs impurities without removing natural oils.
ingredient benefits- Volcanic ash(from Hawaii) minerals- draw out imputes, absorbs toxins & slows down the aging process. Olive leaf-moisturizes and heals skin. Peptides- moisture agents that help repair skin. Vitamin A- exfoliates, Vitamin E-antioxidant, Vitamin C-skin protector and promoter.
how to: Apply a thin layer to face and decollate on clean dry skin. Leave and relax for 10 mins. Wipe with warm in circular motions to exfoliate with a warm washcloth. Use 1-3x a week for optimal results. Follow with a (Do not use on eyelids)
100% organic ingredients vegan cruelty free gluten free made in usa
$65.00 net wgt. 5 ozs. comes in handstamped muslim drawstring bag perfect for gifting